A council in Devon is to buy three new homes to be rented out to help tackle the affordable housing crisis.
South Hams District Council’s executive committee has agreed to purchase the three properties at the Holywell Meadow development in St Ann’s Chapel, Bigbury.
It said the three-bedroom homes, originally planned for the open market, would now be available to rent.
The council said it was supporting its drive to help local people who have a housing need.
It said St Ann’s Chapel area was highly affected by the dominance of second homes and holiday accommodation and the new homes were being offered to those with a “local connection to the area”.
A spokesman said: “The council has ringfenced £300,000 of second home council tax income to help fund projects such as these.
“This money will be used to address housing challenges across the South Hams and support local people who suffer the most from second homes.”
Councillor Denise O’Callaghan, executive member for housing, added: “We are thrilled to be using the second home council tax income to offer more affordable homes for local people, particularly in an area highly affected by rising house prices.
“We want to make the biggest difference for our communities, and we know these three properties will go a long way in helping local people who are struggling to find an affordable home.”