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Sifting through countless of stocks in the Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components industry can be tedious, and sometimes two stocks are just too similar to judge which is the better investment. If you’re on the fence about investing in PAR Technology Corporation or Celestica Inc. because you’re not sure how they measure up, it’s important to compare them on a few factors before making your decision.
Read on to learn how PAR Technology Corporation and Celestica Inc. compare based on key financial metrics to determine which better meets your investment needs.
About PAR Technology Corporation and Celestica Inc.
PAR Technology Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, provides omnichannel cloud-based hardware and software solutions to the restaurant and retail industries worldwide. The Restaurant/Retail segment offers PUNCHH, an enterprise-grade customer loyalty and engagement solution; MENU, an eCommerce platform for restaurant brands; BRINK POS, an open cloud, point-of-sale solution; PAR PAYMENT SERVICES, a merchant services business that enables electronic payment and processing services for businesses; and DATA CENTRAL, a back-office solution that leverages business intelligence and automation technologies. This segment also offers Point-of-Sale Hardware; wireless headsets for drive-thru order-taking; and kitchen display systems, payment devices, cash drawers, printers, and other peripherals. In addition, this segment provides services, such as hardware repair, installation and implementation, training, and on-site and technical support services. The Government segment provides intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance solutions; mission systems operations and maintenance, and commercial software products; systems engineering support and software-based solutions; satellite and teleport facility operation and maintenance, engineering, and installation services comprising inside and outside plant services, and maintenance of infrastructure and information systems; satellite ground system support comprising operations and maintenance, sustainment, upgrades, communications security management, anomaly response/resolution, process improvement, emergency response, and disaster recovery services; and information technology infrastructure library services to the United States Department of Defense, intelligence community (IC), and other federal agencies. This segment also offers various IC support services, systems integration, situational awareness solutions, and mission readiness support services. The company was founded in 1968 and is based in New Hartford, New York.
Celestica Inc. provides supply chain solutions in North America, Europe, and Asia. It operates through two segments: Advanced Technology Solutions, and Connectivity & Cloud Solutions. The company offers a range of product manufacturing and related supply chain services, including design and development, new product introduction, engineering services, component sourcing, electronics manufacturing and assembly, testing, complex mechanical assembly, systems integration, precision machining, order fulfillment, logistics, asset management, product licensing, and after-market repair and return services. It also provides hardware platform solutions, which includes development of infrastructure platforms, and hardware and software design solutions and services which is used as-is or customized for specific applications; and management of program including design and supply chain, manufacturing, and after-market support, including IT asset disposition and asset management services. The company offers its products and services to original equipment manufacturers, cloud-based, and other service providers, including hyperscalers, and other companies in aerospace and defense, industrial, HealthTech, capital equipment, and communication and enterprise markets. Celestica Inc. was incorporated in 1994 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.
Latest Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components and PAR Technology Corporation, Celestica Inc. Stock News
As of March 6, 2025, PAR Technology Corporation had a $2.5 billion market capitalization, compared to the Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components median of $402.1 million. PAR Technology Corporation’s stock is down 13.7% in 2025, down 8.7% in the previous five trading days and up 46.32% in the past year.
Currently, PAR Technology Corporation does not have a price-earnings ratio. PAR Technology Corporation’s trailing 12-month revenue is $350.0 million with a -1.4% net profit margin. Year-over-year quarterly sales growth most recently was 50.2%. Analysts expect adjusted earnings to reach $0.100 per share for the current fiscal year. PAR Technology Corporation does not currently pay a dividend.
As of March 6, 2025, Celestica Inc. had a $9.5 billion market cap, putting it in the 80th percentile of all stocks. Celestica Inc.’s stock is down 10.9% in 2025, down 23.2% in the previous five trading days and up 73.11% in the past year.
Currently, Celestica Inc.’s price-earnings ratio is 22.6. Celestica Inc.’s trailing 12-month revenue is $9.6 billion with a 4.4% net profit margin. Year-over-year quarterly sales growth most recently was 18.9%. Analysts expect adjusted earnings to reach $4.828 per share for the current fiscal year. Celestica Inc. does not currently pay a dividend.
How We Compare PAR Technology Corporation and Celestica Inc. Stock Grades
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AAII’s proprietary stock grades come with A+ Investor. These offer intuitive A‐F grades for each of five key investing factors: value, growth, momentum, earnings estimate revisions and quality. Here, we’ll take a closer look at PAR Technology Corporation and Celestica Inc.’s stock grades to see how they measure up against one another.
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