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Sifting through countless of stocks in the Ground Transportation industry can be tedious, and sometimes two stocks are just too similar to judge which is the better investment. If you’re on the fence about investing in Ryder System, Inc., Saia or Inc. because you’re not sure how they measure up, it’s important to compare them on a few factors before making your decision.
Read on to learn how Ryder System, Inc., Saia and Inc. compare based on key financial metrics to determine which better meets your investment needs.
About Ryder System, Inc., Saia and Inc.
Ryder System, Inc. operates as a logistics and transportation company worldwide. It operates through three segments: Fleet Management Solutions (FMS), Supply Chain Solutions (SCS), and Dedicated Transportation Solutions (DTS). The FMS segment offers full-service leasing and leasing with flexible maintenance options; commercial vehicle rental; maintenance services; digital and technology support services; fuel services; and fuel planning and tax reporting, cards, and monitoring services, and centralized billing, as well as sells used vehicles through its retail sales centers and www.ryder.com/used-trucks website. The DTS segment offers turnkey transportation, vehicles, drivers, management, and administrative services, as well as routing and scheduling, fleet sizing, safety, regulatory compliance, risk management, and technology and communication systems support services. The SCS segment comprises distribution management services, such as coordinating warehousing and transportation for inbound and outbound material flows; managing import and export for international shipments; coordinating just-in-time replenishment of component parts to manufacturing and final assembly; and offering shipment delivery to distribution centers or end delivery points, as well as e-commerce fulfillment. This segment also offers value added services, such as light assembly, packaging and refurbishment, and contract packaging and manufacturing; transportation management and brokerage services, such as shipment optimization, load scheduling, and delivery confirmation services; professional services; and e-commerce and last mile services. The company was founded in 1933 and is headquartered in Coral Gables, Florida.
Saia, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates as a transportation company in North America. The company provides less-than-truckload services for shipments between 100 and 10,000 pounds. It also offers other value-added services, including non-asset truckload, expedited, and logistics services. As of December 31, 2024, it operated 214 owned and leased terminals; and owned approximately 6,600 tractors and 26,200 trailers. The company was formerly known as SCS Transportation, Inc. and changed its name to Saia, Inc. in July 2006. Saia, Inc. was founded in 1924 and is headquartered in Johns Creek, Georgia.
Latest Ground Transportation and Ryder System, Inc., Saia, Inc. Stock News
As of March 14, 2025, Ryder System, Inc. had a $5.9 billion market capitalization, compared to the Ground Transportation median of $5.1 million. Ryder System, Inc.’s stock is down 10.3% in 2025, down 6.7% in the previous five trading days and up 23.59% in the past year.
Currently, Ryder System, Inc.’s price-earnings ratio is 12.7. Ryder System, Inc.’s trailing 12-month revenue is $12.6 billion with a 3.9% net profit margin. Year-over-year quarterly sales growth most recently was 5.5%. Analysts expect adjusted earnings to reach $13.505 per share for the current fiscal year. Ryder System, Inc. currently has a 2.3% dividend yield.
As of March 14, 2025, Saia, Inc. had a $9.4 billion market cap, putting it in the 80th percentile of all stocks. Saia, Inc.’s stock is down 22.4% in 2025, down 5.9% in the previous five trading days and down 40.68% in the past year.
Currently, Saia, Inc.’s price-earnings ratio is 26.2. Saia, Inc.’s trailing 12-month revenue is $3.2 billion with a 11.3% net profit margin. Year-over-year quarterly sales growth most recently was 5.0%. Analysts expect adjusted earnings to reach $15.249 per share for the current fiscal year. Saia, Inc. does not currently pay a dividend.
How We Compare Ryder System, Inc., Saia and Inc. Stock Grades
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AAII’s proprietary stock grades come with A+ Investor. These offer intuitive A‐F grades for each of five key investing factors: value, growth, momentum, earnings estimate revisions and quality. Here, we’ll take a closer look at Ryder System, Inc., Saia and Inc.’s stock grades to see how they measure up against one another.
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