There’s a little-known organic drink that helps boost magnesium in the body, a mineral vital for our health. Not only that, but it helps if you’re trying to lose weight or if you have diabetes.
According to scientists, humans don’t consume the right levels of magnesium – a mineral found in many foods. Because of this, a natural supplement could be the solution to this deficiency.
Experts state you can find magnesium in seawater – but don’t go jumping in the car to your nearest beach just yet. This mineral is a necessary for humans in order to help our organs function as well as strengthening the immune system and bones. It also helps to improve the cardiovascular system, blood pressure, muscles and sugar processing.
A scientific article published in the US National Library of Medicine reported on seawater and its benefits for human health, according to lanacion. Despite the fact that the oceans are polluted with microplastics and industrial waste, a recent study of deep water 200 metres down is said to contain an abundance of nutrients.
The experts further note that with this in mind, mixing fresh water with salt water would eliminate acidity and allow better absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, consumption of seawater can help overcome health problems associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer and skin problems.
In further expert research, Gabriela Pocoví, a doctor in medicine and public health and a nutritionist-dietitian notes that seawater is one of the most efficient ways to obtain the necessary magnesium levels. She explains: “Its consumption has become popular recently because it is a liquid that concentrates many of the minerals and trace elements our body needs.”
She clarifies it’s not the water we collect at the beach but rather water captured from deep wells and purified through sophisticated processes, reports, adding: “Seawater has been studied for years, and its benefits are so numerous that it is also called marine plasma due to its similarity to our blood circulation.”
In a study conducted by Samihah Zura Mohd Nani of the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, University Technology of Malaysia, they explain: “‘Its location away from solar radiation means that it has little or no bacterial activity.
“The lower photosynthesis of plant plankton, nutrient consumption and much organic decomposition mean that the abundant nutrients remain there. The abundance of inorganic material increases with increasing seawater depth.”
Other benefits of consuming deep sea water include:
- Improved cholesterol: Seawater has an impact on liver and serum status. Its applications have reduced triglyceride, non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and total cholesterol levels.
- Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease: By lowering triglycerides, it improves blood circulation and strengthens arterial health. At the same time, it increases the antioxidant capacity of serum trolox equivalent.
- Protects against obesity: Studies have shown that adequate consumption of this type of water decreases body fat and body weight by reducing the accumulation of fat in the body.
Some of the benefits of desalinated water – a process that removes mineral components from saline water – are its minerals. In addition to magnesium, it contains potassium, chromium, selenium, zinc and vanadium.
Because of this, countries like the US, Japan, China and Taiwan have implemented the sale of demineralised water and analysed its impact on people’s health. As it does not contain carbohydrates, fats, proteins and other bioactive materials that potentially cause adverse health effects, it’s a great option.