How Aromatherapy Helps Insomniacs: 5 Essential Oils For Better Sleep, How To Use, And More

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Who doesn’t love a sound sleep? But not all of us are lucky enough to have a good night’s sleep despite the fatigue. A lot of people struggle with insomnia, especially post the pandemic, for a dozen reasons. The sleep disorder is identified by a lack of ability to fall or stay asleep. Reports suggest that around a rough 10 per cent of the population around the world is suffering from this medical condition. The reason behind it usually stems from hectic lifestyles, irregular schedules, poor dietary habits, or high stress levels. We got in touch with our expert, Rupal Shabnam Tyagi, an aromatherapy expert, perfumer, and organic skin formulator and co-founder of Wikka.

Rupal said, “While not typically life-threatening, chronic insomnia can lead to significant health issues over time. Traditional treatments for insomnia often involve therapy and medication. However, a growing number of people are turning to natural alternatives. Among these, aromatherapy has gained popularity as an effective approach to improving sleep quality.”

History Of Aromatherapy In Sleep Treatment

Talking about the rich history of aromatherapy, Tyagi said, “With roots tracing back to ancient China, aromatherapy involves the use of aromatic plant extracts and essential oils for therapeutic purposes. Being a non-drug treatment, aromatherapy offers several advantages over conventional methods. It is affordable, simpler to use and has comparatively fewer possible side effects. These benefits have led to its widespread adoption in stress relief, sleep disorder management, and even treatment for depression.”

Essential Oils For Better Sleep

Here are some essential oils known to help with sound sleep.

Lavender: “It is perhaps the most well-known and studied essential oil for better sleep and relaxation,” said Rupal. It is believed that lavender increases slow-wave sleep as it aids in muscle relaxation and slows your heartbeat.

Bergamot: “This citrus-derived oil is unique in its relaxing and uplifting ability. Bergamot can reduce heart rate and blood pressure, preparing the body for sleep,” shared Tyagi.

Chamomile: “Known for its gentle, apple-like scent, chamomile is a traditional sleep aid. It contains apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to certain receptors in the brain, potentially decreasing anxiety and initiating sleep,” she said.

Rose: “The sweet floral scent of rose oil is not only pleasant but also beneficial for sleep. Rose oil has been found to have sedative and hypnotic effects, potentially reducing stress and promoting relaxation,” shared Rupal.

Sandalwood: “With its rich, woody aroma, Sandalwood has been used in meditation practices for centuries. It can have a sedative effect, helping to reduce wakefulness and increase sleep,” said Tyagi.

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Effective Aromatherapy Methods

Here’s how you can incorporate aromatherapy into your night routine to ensure sound sleep.

Diffusion: Add a few drops of essential oils to a diffuser to disperse the aroma throughout your bedroom.

Massage: Apply diluted essential oils to tensed areas for muscle relaxation.

Inhalation: Use a tissue or cotton pad for direct inhalation of essential oils.

Pillow Mist: Create a spray using diluted essential oils and distilled water.

Aromatherapy Bath: Add essential oils to your bathwater for a relaxing pre-bed soak.

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“To battle the rising tide of insomnia, aromatherapy stands out as a promising, natural alternative. By incorporating these aromatic blends and methods into your nightly routine, you can create a soothing sleep environment that encourages better rest and rejuvenation. While it may not be a cure-all, aromatherapy offers a gentle, pleasant approach to improving sleep quality and overall well-being,” concluded our expert, Rupal.

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