A well-rounded fitness routine — like a nutritious diet — brings wide-ranging benefits. Some exercises condition your cardiovascular system, while others strengthen muscles or boost your mobility and balance. And some do multiple things at once.
Just as some superfoods offer more nutrients than others, some movements and exercises pack a more diverse punch. We asked six fitness experts — trainers, researchers, physical therapists and coaches — to share the most “nutritious” exercises. We then selected five that tick the most boxes, giving busy exercisers a bigger payoff per minute or rep.
Some require special equipment and not all are for true beginners — but they all have a big return on investment.
Trap Bar Deadlift
Any deadlift strengthens your glutes, hamstrings and lower back. But some research suggests using a hexagonal-shaped trap bar instead of a barbell allows exercisers to lift heavier weights, leading to greater improvements in power and force. Plus, hoisting larger loads by the handles improves grip strength, which has been linked to longevity, said Ian Bonder, a kinesiology instructor at College of St. Mary in Omaha, Nebraska.
The slightly different positioning makes the movement “kind of in between a squat and a hinge,” meaning you’ll also target your quads and other leg muscles, said Tyler Kallasy, a physical therapist and strength and conditioning coach in Arvada, Colo. And the position of the weight also limits the risk of lower back injuries.