Not having enough time is one of the most common reasons that people are unable to train, but when it comes to improving your core strength, you can achieve a lot in just seven minutes.
You’ll need the right workout to do it of course, and you’ll need to do the sessions a few times a week to see results. You also need to commit to working hard in those seven minutes. If that sounds doable then I can highly recommend this 7-minute Pilates abs workout from trainer Lilly Sabri, having done it myself.
You don’t need any equipment to do the workout but I recommend rolling out one of the best yoga mats as you’ll be spending the whole seven minutes on the floor.
Watch Lilly Sabri’s 7-minute abs workout
The workout is suitable for all levels and involves doing seven moves in the seven minutes, working for 45 seconds and resting for 15 seconds. The exercises come thick and fast but Sabri does the session with you and advises on form throughout, so make sure you can see your screen and hear her instructions as you train.
If you are finding the session difficult, modifications for the exercises are shown in the top left of the screen when the set starts, for an easier option. You can also extend the rest period if needed, but try to keep going for as long as possible with each move to maximize the time under tension for your core muscles.
I started off my week by doing this quick session on Monday morning and it was the perfect way to get me going. Here are my takeaways from the abs workout.
Your breathing is important
As well as giving advice on your posture, Sabri also tells you how to use your breath with each exercise, which is an important aspect of Pilates that helps you engage the muscles fully. I also found that focusing on your breath helped me to ignore the burning in my abs, so try and time your inhalations and exhalations correctly as Sabri describes.
Do it in the morning
I did the workout early in the morning and even just seven minutes of training boosted my motivation for the day and week ahead. I also found getting a short workout like this done early in the day made me eager to train again later, having already gotten over the motivational hump of changing and doing some exercise.
The workout would be a good finisher
If you have more time to train and have a longer workout on your plan, try adding this seven minute core blast onto the end of it to make sure that your abs have been properly targeted. It’s a great way to round off this 20-minute full-body dumbbell workout, for example.
The Pilates Hundred is a great exercise
The first move in the workout is the Pilates Hundred, an exercise I’ve always liked yet always forget to add into any workouts I design for myself. It’s great for your abs and deep core muscles, and worth doing regularly for sure.
You need space on each side
This is a purely practical point; in some moves you will be spreading your arms or legs out to the sides, so you need a bit of space to do this. I was a bit cramped when doing the workout in a narrow channel of space.