3 of the best strength workouts to improve your running

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Sure, adding different types of runs to your routine will help build speed and efficiency, but adding a strength workout is a huge opportunity to push yourself to that next level. Not only does it prevent injuries by strengthening muscles and connective tissues, but it also helps you run faster by boosting coordination and power.

Now, we’re not talking CrossFit workouts or circuit-based fitness classes: instead of focusing on raising your heart rate, you should shift your focus to lifting relatively heavy weights for a moderate number of repetitions, with full recovery.

“While running may be an obvious way to prepare for a run, strength training is also important. Why? Because when we run we are often on one leg at a time and unfortunately we often favour our stronger side which over a long distance can lead to imbalances and pain,” says Ben Lucas, founder of Flow Athletic.

“When it comes to strength workouts for runners, I like to spend some time working one leg at a time because that way they both have to work hard rather than one leg overcompensating for the other. I also include some core and upper body strength to build posture because as we get tired when we run we tend to slouch.”

To get us going, Ben has given us three of his top strength workouts for runners.

Workout 1

What you need: weight room

Instructions: Complete 3 rounds of each

  • 24 weighted walking lunges alternating sides
  • 24 weighted lateral lunges alternating sides
  • 45 second row on the rowing machine
  • 10 a side- 1 leg TRX squat
  • 16 deadlifts
  • 45 second row
  • 20 Weighted hip thrust
  • 20 a side Lunge into a jump unweighted

Workout 2

What you need: weight room + Kettle bell or DB

Instructions: Complete 3-5 rounds of each

  • 12 a side runners lunges, a runners lunge is like a split stance squat. Do all reps on one leg before changing to the other leg. Hope a KB in each hand
  • 12 a side lunge back into a knew drive holding kettlebells
  • 12 a side lateral lunges
  • 12 Rows using the weighted rower
  • 12 chest press
  • 1 minute burst of cardio of your choice

Workout 3

What you need: cardio/ weight mix

Instructions: Complete 3 rounds of each

  • 400m sprint on a treadmill or bike, 400m jog x 3
  • 10 a side Bulgarian split squat
  • 20 weighted hip thrust
  • 24 lunge walks carrying a medicine ball, twist over the front leg as you do the lunge
  • 20 pushups
  • 24 alternating weighted back lunge into a knee drive
  • 16 dead lifts
  • 10 burpees