5 supplements that you should take for healthy brain

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The popularity of supplements has skyrocketed over the years, and their usage has become incredibly diverse—covering everything from nails and hair to eyes and skin. You name it, there’s a supplement for it!

Recently, Dr Heather Sandison, a US naturopathic doctor specialising in neurocognitive medicine revealed that supplements play a crucial role in addressing the nutritional deficiencies of the body.

He also highlighted that the supplements support your body’s natural chemical processes, including detoxification. In an opinion piece for CNBC, Dr. Sandison recommended five supplements that everyone should have.

Here are 5 supplements that can keep your brain healthy:

  • Nootropics: Nootropics include blend of vitamins, fats, amino acids, herbs and sometimes caffeine that can help in improving focus, mental clarity, mood and better-quality sleep. “I take them on days I’m giving talks or when I have a lot of work to get through and need to be on all day —they help me power through, feel productive and sleep better at night,” he said.
  • Vitamin D with K: Vitamin K works with D to direct calcium into the bones. Like vitamin D, having higher levels of circulating vitamin K is associated with better cognitive function, Dr. Sandison said.
  • Omega-3s: Omega-3 essential fatty acids are anti-inflammatory. These supplements can help in reducing neuroinflammation and heart disease risk.
  • Probiotics: The link between gut health and brain is now widely documented. Probiotics help in improving your gut health which will also keep your brain healthy.
  • Digestive enzymes: Taking digestive enzymes in supplement form can counteract this decline and help your body adjust to a healthier diet, Dr. Sandison said. “Ideally, you’d work with a healthcare professional who can steer you toward a digestive enzyme that will help you digest your food and assimilate nutrients in a meaningful way, as well as help with bloat, indigestion and nutrient depletion,” he wrote.

DISCLAIMER: Always consult a doctor before starting supplements, fitness routine and diet plan.