Begin your fitness journey with aerobic workouts: 5 easy exercises you can do at home

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Best exercises: Jumping rope is one of the simplest and effective cardio workout that will help you burn calories and lose weight (Image: Canva)

One of the most effective ways to boost your health and fitness is through aerobic activity. These exercises involve continuous physical movements that increase your heart rate and breathing. Research indicates that aerobic exercises including walking, swimming, cycling, or other regular exercises may help improve heart health, strengthen lungs and boost stamina. This form of physical activity is good for people of all ages and various fitness levels.

Aerobics engage large muscle groups such as your arms and legs while making your heart and lungs work harder. This exercise is also known as cardio activity because it helps increase stamina. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), practicing aerobic workouts regularly improves heart and lung function, making them stronger.

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The most common aerobic activities are brisk walking, running, and, swimming. These exercises not only keep you active but also lower the risk of heart disease and other health problems.

Also read | Best exercises: Here’s how cardio or aerobic training benefits your body and brain

Types of aerobic activities and their  intensity levels:

Aerobic exercises can be tailored to different fitness levels and preferences. If you are a beginner, you can start with simple and low intensity activities that don’t increase your heart rate. For those with more experience, high effort exercises line running, jogging, cycling can help improve cardiovascular health and boost fitness.

The intensity levels of aerobic activities are categorised into light, moderate and vigorous. As per NHLBI, light-intensity activities include basic daily tasks like pushing a grocery cart, which requires minimal effort and does not increase your heart rate. The moderate-intensity activities like brisk walking and gardening, make your heart beat faster and leave you slightly out of breath.

Also read | Best exercises to lose weight: 9 aerobic routines for fast results

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Lastly, vigorous-intensity activities such as running or playing sports, require more effort and make it difficult to talk while exercising. While moderate and vigorous-intensity activities offer better heart health benefits light activities are beneficial for beginners or those starting their fitness journey.

Here are 5 easy aerobic exercises that you can practise at home and stay active:

  • Jumping rope: It is one of the simplest and effective cardio workout that improves your heart health and coordination. It will also help you burn calories and lose weight.

  • Squats: Practising squats regularly can strengthen your legs and glutes. They also increase heart rate when done in quick reputations.

  • Marching in place: This is a low impact, aerobic exercise that improves circulation and warms up your body. It is perfect for beginners.

  • Jumping jack: It is a full body workout that increases heart rate and improves cardiovascular endurance. Besides, it also engages multiple muscle groups.

  • High knees: This simple yet effective exercise, strengthens leg muscles, improves balance, and coordination and also boost heart rate.

Disclaimer: This article, including health and fitness advice, only provides generic information. Don’t treat it as a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist for specific health diagnosis.