It is and should be a personal choice to reduce weight. However, if you’re curious about how to shrink your belly, there are some proven approaches for it. Weight loss is often achieved by staying consistent in whatever strategies you follow for it. Enough evidence suggests that eating a high-fiber and protein diet is the key, but here are some groundbreaking tips to achieve a flat belly:
Switch to Mediterranean diet
The well-known “flat belly diet” incorporates a lot of the benefits of a Mediterranean diet, which support heart and brain health. The fundamental idea behind both diets is to consume foods high in monosaturated fatty acids (MUFA), which may help you store less belly fat. Foods high in MUFAs include avocados, nuts & seeds, salmon, and olive oil. Regular yogurt consumption has also been shown to help reduce abdominal fat.
Drink lemon and honey water
In addition to melting and cutting away extra fat, drinking lukewarm water with honey first thing in the morning on an empty stomach also helps to regulate hormones and strengthen the immune system. It will prepare your body for a detox and help you manage your hunger pangs better.
Keep a calorie count
Burning more calories than you take in is the simplest way to shrink your belly. For example, a weight reduction app, or even just a pen and paper, can help you determine how many calories you need to burn at the gym or cut from your diet to reach your objectives, as 3,500 calories equal one pound of fat. You would lose one pound of weight and burn 3,500 calories in a week if you increased your daily caloric intake by 500 calories seven days a week.
Running or walking on an incline
If you use the treadmill for your preferred cardio workout or warm-up, consider increasing the machine’s inclination. A 2023 study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that walking on an incline can burn up to 10.5% more calories than running on a level surface. Your weight and speed will determine how many extra calories you burn on an uphill. Hills can also be included into outdoor exercises.
Cut sugar
According to a Science Direct study, consuming a lot of added sugar is directly associated with having a larger waist, particularly for those who consume sugar-sweetened beverages. When shopping, it’s crucial to carefully read the ingredient list because many items include added sugar. Aim to consume no more than 10% of your daily calories from added sugar. This is equivalent to roughly 200 calories or 12 teaspoons (48 grams) per day on a 2,000-calorie diet.
Lower your stress levels
Because stress causes the adrenal glands to release the stress hormone cortisol, you may accumulate belly fat. High cortisol levels have been linked to increased appetite and the storage of belly fat, according to research. Furthermore, women who already have a big waist are more likely to react to stress by producing more cortisol. Middle-aged fat accumulation is further exacerbated by elevated cortisol. Take part in stress-relieving activities to help lose tummy fat. Meditation and yoga can be beneficial.
Sleep well
One of the most simple things you can do to shrink your belly is sleep like a log. Get 7–8 hours of sleep each day! Getting enough sleep is arguably the most underappreciated weight loss strategy. Sleep deprivation affects cortisol levels, which prevents weight reduction. Additionally, it affects your appetite hormones, which makes bingeing more likely the next day.