‘Important’ diet tip to ‘protect blood vessels’ and help gut health

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A nutritionist has shared ‘the most important’ thing young people should prioritise in their diets to help protect their health now and in the future.

Dr Federica Amati, Head Nutritionist at ZOE, set out her advice for people in their 20s and 30s, explaining that changes made now can have long-term health benefits.

Talking to the Express, she said: “The most important thing people can do in their 20s and 30s is prioritise a plant-based, Mediterranean-style diet rich in fruit, vegetables, pulses, nuts and seeds. There aren’t any secret ‘hacks’ or ‘quick fixes’ – maintaining or improving your health relies on maintaining a healthy overall dietary pattern over years and decades.”

She also emphasised the importance of including lots of fruits and vegetables, plus quality protein, in your diet.

Dr Federica shared: “Another important tip is to ‘eat the rainbow’. This is because colourful fruits and veg contain plant compounds called polyphenols. These help protect your blood vessels against damage as you age. Importantly, they also help feed your gut bacteria – and if your gut microbiome is happy, you’re more likely to enjoy good long-term health.”

The expert added: “Another great thing to focus on in your 20s and 30s is the quality of your protein. Most of us know that we need protein and that meat is a good source. This is certainly true, but plant-based proteins are just as good as animal proteins, and when you consume them as part of the whole plant, you also get other nutrients that benefit health, like fibre.

“In fact, you might be surprised to learn that plant-based proteins, like edamame and lentils have more protein per gram than meat.”

She also warned against heavy alcohol consumption. She said: “During our 20s and 30s, many of us might feel like we’re indestructible – I know I did. But it’s a really important time to think about reducing harmful habits. For instance, limiting alcohol consumption is crucial.

“At this age, with the increased stress of a career or caring for children or aging parents, many of us turn to alcohol to help us unwind. But it’s important to make sure it doesn’t become a normal part of your everyday life.

“If you don’t drink alcohol, great. If you do, drink it only occasionally. Maybe one glass of red wine two or three times each week. You might have heard that red wine contains polyphenols. This is true, so it’s probably the healthiest form of alcoholic drink. But, and this is an important ‘but’, it’s not a health drink.”