Orthostatic Hypotension: How To Get Your Blood Pressure Back To Normal

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Have you ever felt dizzy or lightheaded after getting up from a seated or lying position? Did you feel as though gravity was pulling you down into a state of unconsciousness? If that’s something you’ve experienced, it could be a sign of orthostatic hypotension, characterised by a sudden drop in blood pressure.

According to StatPearls Publishing, orthostatic hypotension, also known as postural hypotension, is diagnosed “by a sustained reduction in systolic blood pressure of at least 20 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure of 10 mmHg within three minutes of standing after being supine for five minutes or at a 60-degree angle on the tilt table.” During such circumstances, it is important to take proactive steps and get the blood pressure levels to normal. Here’s what you need to know.

Also Read: How To Position Your Arm For Accurate Blood Pressure Reading

What Causes Orthostatic Hypotension?

Reserch suggests that orthostatic hypotension can be caused by both nerve problems or other physical issues or can be related to medications. Nerve-related causes include damage from conditions like diabetes, certain autoimmune diseases, and inherited disorders, as well as diseases like Parkinson’s and related conditions.

The most common non-nerve-related cause is dehydration, which occurs when the body loses more fluids than it takes in. Dr Sandeep Patil, Chief Intensivist, Fortis Hospital, Kalyan, adds that conditions like anaemia, hyperglycemia, atherosclerosis, heart failure, vascular stiffening, or arrhythmias can also lead to hypotension.

Additionally, many medications, especially when taken together, can contribute to low blood pressure upon standing, particularly in older adults. Certain medications, such as alpha-blockers, antihypertensives, diuretics, nitrates, tricyclic antidepressants, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), antipsychotics, and beta-blockers, can also lower blood pressure or impair the body’s ability to regulate it, warns Dr Patil. However, it is best to speak with your doctor about the same.

Why Standing Up Too Quickly Leads To Drop In Blood Pressure

In an interaction with the OnlyMyHealth team, Dr Patil explains that when a person stands up from lying down, gravity tends to pull 300-800 ml, roughly 1-3 cups, of blood into the lower extremities, or legs. This blood pooling reduces the amount of blood returning to the heart, which in turn lowers the amount of blood the heart pumps out.

Normally, your body has a quick response system called the baroreceptor reflex, which senses the drop in blood pressure and triggers the nervous system to increase the heart rate and tighten blood vessels. However, in people with orthostatic hypotension, this reflex doesn’t work properly, hence causing the blood pressure to drop significantly when they stand, leading to symptoms like dizziness, lightheadedness, or even fainting.

Also Read: Dehydration and Blood Pressure: Expert Explains The Connection, Risks, And How to Stay Hydrated

How To Bring Back Blood Pressure To Normal With Orthostatic Hypotension

If you experience orthostatic hypotension, here are the immediate steps to take to get your blood pressure levels back to normal:

  • Change position gradually and in phases (from lying to sitting to standing) instead of swiftly.
  • Maintain adequate hydration
  • Avoid alcohol, warm environments, large meals, and hot showers or baths.
  • Sleep with the head of the bed elevated
  • Exercise 
  • Cross legs while standing
  • Tense the muscles in the legs and hips after standing
  • Practise lower limb compression
  • Wear abdominal binders


Orthostatic hypotension has its own set of risks. While the condition may be mild, and the episodes short, the consequences can be more damaging. For instance, it can increase the risk of falls and injuries as you tend to lose control over your body. Additionally, long-lasting orthostatic hypotension can mean more serious conditions. Therefore, consult your doctor if you experience this issue on a regular basis and take necessary actions.